Valor Global Foundation

At VCSI we are on mission, building kingdom and growing disciples. It is critical that students learn important skills in the context of local and global mission so that they can be fully prepared to fulfill the purposes for which they are created. We do this by offering top quality education that not only builds knowledge and skills, but also engages students in the local and global missions fields so that they can gain global perspective and become the next generation of leaders in every field building God's kingdom around the world.

One Mission: Hundreds of Visions

We believe every person has a unique role in the body of Christ. United together, each person's calling composes a masterpiece. A global symphony of individual instruments (parents, teachers, and students) are brought together to create a masterpiece for His glory.

Valor Global Foundation - One 2 One Global Initiative

4 Active Fundraisers

Over 262 million children around the world do not have access to education according to UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization). Valor Global foundation partners with Christian schools in Kenya, Philippines Haiti and Guatemala to provide education for a student in need.  In addition to this educational sponsorship, we provide education consulting along with teacher development for our partner schools.

Valor foundation has been formed through an alliance of global schools in the U.S.A. and South Korea. Students who pay tuition in our Valor alliance schools are part of our One 2 One global initiative. When a family pays tuition in an alliance school it covers the cost of their child's education, as well as the tuition in a developing nation.

This is an exciting way to model a generous spirit to our children and make a significant impact on the world around us.


VCSI One2One Support

When you enroll in VCSI a percentage of your tuition helps end the cycle of global education inequality. Over 72 million children around the world do not have access to education according to UNESCO (...

$50,007 Raised ($75,000 Goal)

67% of Goal Campaign Ended
Campaign Ended


Missions for All

At VCSI every student is engaged in both local and global missions. Through our 1:1 model, every student is paired with a student in need of education around the globe. Each year, VCSI sends teams of high school students on missions trips locally, across the nation and around the globe. Our elementary school classes partner with high school missions teams to learn about the people and places around the world that their school is working in. Through this mission-centered approach, VCSI trains disciples who can be influencers solving the challenges of the 21st century, disciples who will heal the sick, feed the hungry and advance God's kingdom in every corner of the globe.